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Parents: Become an Observer for Your Student's Canvas Account

Dear Miramonte Parents and Students,

Please take a moment and pair student and parent Canvas accounts. Pairing your account with your student's account will allow you to view grades and help monitor progress.

Step ONE: Open Miramonte High School's Canvas Log In Link: url: then click the link in the top right corner and make a parent account.

Step TWO: Please watch the video below that explains how students can generate a paring code for each observer.  You could also read and follow THESE INSTRUCTIONS regarding how to sign up for a parent account and aquire the pairing code.

Thank you for your support.

00:07: How do I generate a pairing code for an observer as a student? 00:11: In Global Navigation, click the Account link. 00:15: Then click the Settings link. 00:18: Click the Pair with Observer button. 00:21: Copy the 6-digit alpha numeric pairing code you will need to share 00:25: the code with the Observer who will link to your account. 00:28: The pairing code will expire after 7 days or its first use. 00:33: To close the window. Click the okay button. 00:36: This guide covered how to generate a pairing code for an observer as a student.