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Register for CSF

CSF Registration

California Scholarship Federation (CSF) is an honor club at Miramonte that acknowledges the high academic achievement of students. Eligibility is determined through a point system based on the last semester’s course load and specific semester grades.  Fill out the application on the webstore to determine if you are eligible.  Students that have been members for 4 of their last 6 semesters of high school (including one senior year) receive Lifetime Membership. Lifetime Membership is acknowledged with a CSF stole worn at Graduation, as well as a certificate and pin.

Registration is from Feb. 1st - Feb. 28 

This will determine membership for the FALL semester of the 24-25 school year. 

To fill out the application and pay the dues go here:

If you need a fee waiver, or have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Shawn at

Please visit this FAQ page for more information about CSF: