• What is Wellness?

    ACIS Wellness works with the Counseling Department, School Psychologist, and Health Office to expand existing support services for students. We help to coordinate and provide mental health, case management, physical health education services and other wellness programs for students on campus. In addition to providing direct services, we aid in promoting a healthy school climate by offering classroom presentations and supporting school-wide health education events.


    Wellness offers a variety of services including but not limited to the following:

    * Health Education

    * Parent/Guardian Education and Consultation

    * Support and Empowerment Groups

    * Case Management

    * Individual Counseling

    * Staff Training/Consultation

    * Crisis Support and Intervention

    * School Wide Health and Wellness Events

    * Sexual Health Education


    What services are offered to students through the Wellness Center?

    Students can participate in a variety of services including mental health counseling, support groups, health office services provided by the School Nurse. Resources and referrals to community agencies are offered to students and their families as appropriate.

    Services offered to students through the Wellness Center are free and confidential.


    How do I refer a student to ACIS Wellness?

    • Anyone can refer a student to the Wellness Center by completing the online referral form
    • You can also refer students by contacting Cheryl Stanton in the main office.
    • Students seeking support are always welcome to drop-in to request services at the office.


    If you think a student is in crisis, do not complete an online referral—contact wellness center staff, school counselor, or an AP for support.


    Who is on the Wellness Team?

    • School Psychologist: Rene O’Neill
    • School Counselor: Sara Feinberg
    • CEP Counselor: Erin Byrne


    How often might students miss class to utilize Wellness services?

    Students requesting support may participate in services anywhere between fifteen minutes to one hour a week. If a student is falling behind, please email the Wellness team to share your concern. Students are issued an appointment pass that teachers pass out which indicates permission for students to attend their Wellness appointment. Teachers always have the right to say ‘not now’ unless the student is in crisis.


    Wellness Referral Link