• Bullying, Nondiscrimination and Title IX 


    The Acalanes Union High School District is committed to equal opportunities for all individuals in education. District programs shall be free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity or expression.  The following employees have been designated to handle questions and/or complaints of alleged nondiscrimination: 


    Title IX Coordinator: Deputy Superintendent, Administrative Services

    Deputy Superintendent: Amy McNamara

    1212 Pleasant Hill Road, 

    Lafayette, CA 94549

    925-280-3900 x6622


    ADA/Title II Coordinator:  Deputy Superintendent, Administrative Services 

    Deputy Superintendent: Amy McNamara

    1212 Pleasant Hill Road, 

    Lafayette, CA 94549

    925-280-3900 x6622


    504 CoordinatorExecutive Director, Special Services 

    Executive Director: Leigh Gregory 

    1212 Pleasant Hill Road, 

    Lafayette, CA 94549

    925-280-3900 x6622


    Foster Youth, McKinney Vento Coordinator (Unhoused families) : Deputy  Superintendent, Administrative Services 

    Deputy Superintendent: Amy McNamara

    1212 Pleasant Hill Road, 

    Lafayette, CA 94549

    925-280-3900 x6622



    Bullying, Nondiscrimination and Title IX Information

    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a Federal Civil Rights law that prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs, athletic programs, or activities that receive federal funding.  


    Please note: As of July 18, 2024, a federal judge has enjoined the US Department of Education from enforcing the 2024 Title IX Regulations against schools attended by members of the Young America's Foundation, Female Athletes United, or Moms for Liberty.  As AUHSD has a school that is part of this injunction, it will enforce the 2020 Title IX regulations until the matter is settled. Administrators have been trained on both the 2020 and 2024 regulations, and will take action under Title IX, the Uniform Complaint Policy, or the District's Sexual Harassment policy as applicable to investigate and resolve any allegation of sex discrimination.  


    District Policy on Nondiscrimination/Harassment

    District Policy and Grievance procedures for Title IX.

    District Policy on Bullying 

    Resources for parents and students on bullying and cyberbullying: 


    When a school receives a report of sexual harassment, bullying, misconduct or assault, the following procedures may be used:

    1. Parents or students should make a report to the site administration. They can do this through the Bias reporting system (only available to students) or by directly contacting school administration. Site administration will follow up and let parents know of the resolution. 


    2. Uniform complaint: used to resolve complaints of bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination, and failure to comply with federal programs.  If the site cannot resolve the concerns to the satisfaction of the parties, parents can file a Uniform Complaint. 


            a. To file a uniform complaint, please fill out THIS FORM


            b. A uniform complaint for sexual harassment or sex discrimination may trigger a Title IX investigation. 


    3. The Title IX investigation process is used for certain instances of sexual harassment and sex discrimination. It is used in cases of sexual assault, dating violence or sexual misconduct. 


         a. Sexual assault allegations will always be reported to local police for investigation. 


         b. For a Title IX investigation, allegations of sexual harassment must still meet the revised 2020 Federal standard definition: "Conduct so severe, pervasive and  objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the school’s education program or activity."


    4. Who can report? 

               1. Any person can report sex discrimination, sexual harassment or assault. 

               2. Reports can be made by mail, telephone, or email or in person by appointment. 

               3. Reports can be made to any school administrator or to the Title IX Coordinator. 


    5.  The Title IX Coordinator oversees and leads investigation and compliance procedures. 

          a. The Title IX coordinator is the Deputy Superintendent of Administrative Services


    6. Care for students who report sexual harassment or assault is a priority. Supportive measures for students will be offered through the site wellness center and counseling offices. 


    In compliance with the Requirements of Title IX, 34 C.F.R. 106.45(b)(10) AUHSD has provided required training to all Title IX personnel including the Title IX coordinator, Investigators, Decision Makers and Facilitators. The latest training took place in August of 2024. The training materials can be viewed HERE.