Facility Rental Program
Access to district facilities is available after school and on weekends for user groups with prior approval, upon proof of insurance and subject to certain costs as prescribed in the Civic Center Act (Ed Code §38130 et seq).
The Facility Rental Handbook and Schedule of Fees will guide you through the process of obtaining a facilities use permit and meeting all requirements. Anyone using AUHSD facilities or grounds outside of the regular school day must obtain a facility use permit. Please see the guidelines for facility use below marked out per space to be used.
AUHSD now uses a new facility scheduling software system called ML Schedules. You will need to create a new account in the system. Please see the “Creating A New Account” Request Use section below for instructions on creating an account and how to log in. After your account has been created and approved you may request a facility use.
To Create a New Account, please click HERE.
To Request a Facility use after obtaining an approved account, click HERE.
Quick Links & FAQ's
Facility Rental Handbook and Schedule of Fees
Guidelines for:
- Baseball, Softball Field
- Classroom, Library, Multi-Use Room
- Field, Weight Room, Athletic Facilities
- Gymnasiums
- Pools
- Theaters
For facility use and rentals by the District and outside users, please contact the Facility Rental Representative at rentals@auhsdschools.org or 925-280-3966.