• Enrollment/Transfer Procedures

    Enrollment is available to students within the Acalanes Union High School District who attend Acalanes, Campolindo, Las Lomas, or Miramonte High Schools.


    Students are referred to Acalanes Center for Independent Study (ACIS) by their comprehensive high school counselor for enrollment in ACIS.


    1.      Parent/Guardian and Student meet with school counselor to discuss placement options.

    a.      Parent/Guardian and Student must voluntarily select enrollment in ACIS.

             2.     Attend an information meeting with the ACIS coordinator

    3.      School Counselor completes ACIS Referral Form and obtains Parent/Guardian and Student signature.

    a.      If student has an IEP, an IEP Team Meeting must take place prior to ACIS Referral being completed.

    4.      School Counselor sends ACIS Referral to ACIS Office.

    5.      ACIS Office reviews Referral and Master Agreement Meeting is scheduled with Parent/Guardian and Student.


    If a student has opted into distance learning because of concerns with Covid-19 and wishes to transfer back to in-person learning, please notify Mr. Drury, ACIS will transfer the student to inperson learning at their comprehensive site or inperson learning at ACIS, within 5 days of notification. 


    If a student that is attending in-person learning at ACIS and wishes to transfer back to their comprehensive site, please notify Mr. Drury and the transfer will take place within 5 days of notification.