

    DEI Logo


    At Las Lomas High School we believe that every student deserves to feel welcomed and valued for their authentic selves. All students will learn the skills of critical thinking, listening and reflections to engage with others respectfully. This includes celebrating diverse perspectives and reflecting our many rich cultures in our curriculum. All students have a unique experience and perspective that makes our community great.


    There is no place in our district for racism or discrimination of any kind. As a school and district we are committed to fostering an anti-racist environment that is inclusive and welcoming for all.


    Las Lomas HS Equity Plan | Mission, Vision, and Goals

    Our site equity plan was developed with input from district staff, site staff, and parent and student stakeholders.    



    Our site equity plan involves four major areas of focus: Culture, Curriculum, Community, Policy. 

    Culture: Las Lomas will establish a positive school climate where all students, staff, and community members treat each other with respect, foster belonging, and actively work against racism and for racial justice.


    Community: Las Lomas will partner with parent/guardian groups to foster antiracist education and advocacy.


    Policy: Las Lomas will examine current systems, policies, and administrative practices to identify and implement necessary changes that are culturally responsive and antiracist.


    Curriculum: Las Lomas will ensure that all students engage in required curricula that fosters an appreciation for a diverse array of cultures and specifically addresses race, racism, and antiracist strategies.



    Below are linked resources to highlight and make transparent the work we are doing to combat racism in our schools.


    Updated Code of Conduct

    Our policies have been updated to include clarity and transparency regarding our discipline procedures around racist incidents.


    BIRC - Bias Incident Reporting Committee

    We have created a district-wide, site-based Bias Incident Reporting Committee to collect, review and take action on reported incidents of bias including actions of hate, hate speech, microaggressions, and microassaults. This system will ensure more transparency and accountability in our responses to bias incidents and will allow us to collect data from which we can set future goals and areas of focus.



     August/September BIRT Report 2021

    September/October BIRT Report 2021

    October/November BIRT Report 2021

    January/February BIRT Report 2022


    Las Lomas DEI Committee & Resources


    LL DEI Website 


    LL DEI is committed to working with our Las Lomas parent and student community as well as our staff and our school and district administration to promote a positive school climate at Las Lomas that encourages a culture of inclusivity and belonging for all. It is not enough to denounce acts of racism, we must also work to challenge ourselves and our students to be anti-racist every day. The scope of this committee will encompass the full spectrum of diversity including gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, and mental and physical ability. 


    AUHSD Adopted Board Policy for Racial Equity

    In order to address and overcome institutional racism and barriers to achievement, including implicit or unintentional biases and prejudices, and to eliminate disparities in educational outcomes for students of color, the District shall proactively identify practices, policies, and institutional systems that negatively influence student learning, perpetuate opportunity gaps, and impede equal access to opportunities for all students.


    Response to N Word

    There is no other word in the English language as inflammatory as the N-word. As a district we have developed this response as a statement of solidarity that the N-word is not to be used nor heard on our campus.


    Student led Equity & Inclusion Programming

    We want to support student led initiatives and programming. Check out the work that is being done at the student level.


    Schoolwide racial equity lessons in cohort

    During Monday cohort meetings, all students have engaged in a 5 part series on race. Topics include:

    1. Let's talk about race
    2. Race in your life
    3. The social construction of race and Implicit bias
    4. Microaggressions
    5. Cyber-hate and social media



    Black Lives Matter

    Our nation’s history, both past and present, reflects the diminishing of, marginalizing of, and silencing of voices of color. At Acalanes, we believe in equity, diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism.  We believe that a black person's life and well-being is important and therefore we believe that Black Lives Matter.