Call The Attendance Recorder at925-280-3973or email
Students must sign in and out in the Attendance Office whenever coming to or leaving campus during the school day for any reason. Be sure to sign in if late for school.To clear an absence, parents must call the recorder at (925) 280-3973. We do not take notes. Absences not cleared after 24 hours will be recorded as a cut. If a parent needs to excuse a student and the student is unaware that they need to leave, the parent should call the Attendance Office directly at 925-280-3970 ext. 7126
Parents cannot excuse student tardies unless they provide a doctor/medical note
Calls go home for tardies to keep families informed.
At 5 tardies, students are called in and given a warning, letters will be sent home
At 10 tardies, students will receive a detention, students accumulate detentions after every 5 additional tardies, letters will be sent home.
Students must sign in and out in the Attendance Office whenever coming to or leaving campus during the school day for any reason, including being late to 1st or 4th period.
Unexcused Absences | Consequences for habitual cuts are as follows:
3 cuts | Detention, SARB Letter Step 1
6 cuts | Detention, SARB Letter Step 2, Student Conference
9 cuts | Detention, SARB Letter Step 3, SART Conference, SARB referral
To clear an absence, a parent or guardian must call the attendance recorder.
Absences not cleared after 24 hours will be recorded as unexcused.
Students must sign in and out in the Attendance Office whenever coming to or leaving campus during the school day for any reason, including being late to 1st or 4th period.
Students must obtain parent/guardian permission and sign out through the Attendance Office before leaving campus. Failure to follow these procedures will result in the absence recorded as a cut. Parents/guardians are unable to clear this type of absence after the fact.
If a parent needs to excuse a student and the student is unaware that they need to leave, the parent should call the Attendance Office. The Attendance Office will locate the student and pass on the information.
Students are required to pick up their “off campus pass”, prior to attending the period they are leaving early from.
Students leaving for appointments during school day must:
1. Have a parent call the recorder prior to the time of the appointment.
2. Pick up a Leaving-the-Grounds pass in the Attendance Office.
3. Sign out on the sheet in the Attendance Office.
4. Sign in upon return if returning the same day.
When a student reaches the age of 18, they are permitted to verify their own absences from school and to assume those responsibilities formerly charged to the parent/guardian.
Before receiving approval, the student must request the 18-year old form from the Attendance Office and return it signed by their parent/guardian.
Final approval provided by the Associate Principal
The procedures for absences are the same for 18-year old students as for all other students. Automated dialer and email will continue for unverified absences to the primary contact
Students who have 15 or more excused absences, not including verified medical appointments, will be required to provide verification from a physician to clear additional absences.
Students must attend school at least half a day in order to practice or participate in any sport or after school event (athletic event, performing arts, concerts, etc.).
If the event is held on Saturday, the student must attend at least half of the school day on Friday. Any exception must be made in writing by the principal.