• AUHSD Governing Board and District Goals


    Mission Statement:

    We educate every student to excel and contribute in a global society. 


    Goal 1 – High Quality Programs

    Ensure that every student has access to high-quality educational opportunities and attains college and career readiness.


    The District is committed to ensuring that all District graduates are prepared for post-secondary opportunities, including community college, 4-year college, vocational training, and career options.

    For students in special service classes, AUHSD is committed to building their skills for independent living and employment. Through the core curriculum and a wide array of elective options, all students will have access to rigorous, engaging, and relevant courses of study; in addition, students will receive up-to-date, standards-aligned curricular materials. Beyond the traditional classroom, extra and co-curricular activities will allow students to pursue interests in the arts, athletics, STEM, community service, and other areas.


    Goal 2 – Equity

    Identify and implement policies and practices that eliminate opportunity gaps.


    The District is committed to fostering high levels of academic achievement for all students; therefore, the District must implement policies and practices to address, and ultimately eliminate, opportunity gaps. Significant opportunity gaps exist for English language learners, students with disabilities, students from low-income backgrounds, Black / African-American students, and Hispanic students.


    Goal 3 – School Climate and Culture

    Provide safe, engaging, and inclusive classrooms and school sites that support the social-emotional growth of every student.


    The District is committed to both the academic and social-emotional growth of every student. This growth will accelerate when students feel safe, engaged, and connected at their schools. The goal addresses the collective responsibility of the whole school community to create and sustain a positive campus climate. Staff, students, and parents/guardians must work together to ensure this type of environment.


    Goal 4 - Staffing

    Recruit, develop, and retain innovative, collaborative, and effective certificated, classified, and administrative staff who prioritize student well-being and success.


    The District is committed to recruiting and maintaining a diverse staff, providing relevant and engaging professional development, and establishing a student-focused, culturally responsive professional culture that fosters inclusion, belonging and professional effectiveness.



    Updated: December 2024