Doing Business With Us
Notice to Contractors and Subcontractors
Any contractor or subcontractor listed on a bid proposal for a District project must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5.
California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA)
Acalanes Union High School District is subject to CUPCCAA, which means:
- Public projects of $60,000 or less may be performed by negotiated contract or by purchase order (PCC22032(a))
- Public projects of $200,000 or less may be let to contract by the informal procedures set forth in the Act (PCC22032(b))
- Prequalification for projects up to $200,00 is not necessary
- Public projects of more than $200,000 shall be let to contract by formal bidding procedures (PCC22032(c))
Contractor PrequalificationNotice is hereby given that the governing board ("Board") of the Acalanes Union High School District ("District") has determined that all bidders for District projects over $200,000 must be prequalified prior to submitting a bid.
Contractors may start the prequalification process by completing information on the Registration Form.
Notice to Contractors - CUPCCAA Annual Registration Notification