    Your teachers expect that honest behavior will be part of your academic work. The Acalanes Union High School District has established rules and regulations to make sure your school environment maintains an ethical academic atmosphere. Download (pdf) the Acalanes Union High School District Academic Honesty policy and consequences of violations.

    To be academically honest means NOT to:

    1. Cheat:

    a. Any intentional giving or using of external assistance relating to an assessment without express permission of the teacher.

    b. Copying any work or allowing another student to copy one’s work. All work submitted must be that of the individual student.

    c. Falsifying or inventing any academic work.

    d. Having another student, parent, or other adult write or make major changes to student work.


    Nor to engage in:


    2. Unauthorized Collaborating:

    Collaborative work will be at the direction of the teacher and be documented according to assignment guidelines.

    3. Plagiarizing: 


    Presenting another's ideas, words, or work as one's own. (See "plagiarism" link in left menu for more information.)


    4. Unauthorized altering, taking or publishing of any student, teacher, or school materials.


    Contact your teacher with questions you may have about these rules.