AP Testing



    AP Exam registration will open on SEPTEMBER 16, 2024. AP Exams are May 5th – through May 16th. There is a two-step process to sign up for an AP Exam. To begin the process, You must have a College Board account or create a College Board account in order to enter your join code at https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/access-your-ap-resources/join-your-class-online). 

    STEP 1Enter your class specific Join Code in AP Classroom.Teachers shared Join Codes with students in their AP Class. All Join Codes are class and period specific. Please do not share Join Codes with other classes or students. If you haven’t received a code, please email Ms. Lezcano (jlezcano@auhsdschools.org) or find her in the main office. If you are NOT enrolled in an AP Class, but you would like to take the AP Exam, please contact Mr. Lezcano. Do NOT move onto Step 2 without doing this first. 

    Any student who wants to take an AP Exam or is uncertain about taking an exam absolutely has to have their Join Code entered by November 10thStudents who do not have their Join Code entered in AP Classroom by November 10th will NOT take AP Exams in the spring. Entering your AP Exam Join Code is part of what orders you a test from the College Board.

    STEP 2Pay for your AP Exam on the MHS Webstore  
    Follow the link below. https://miramonte.revtrak.net/testing/ap-exams/#/list  The fee for AP Exams is $110 through November 10th, 2024.  After that date, a $40 late fee will be added, making the cost $150. The final deadline for late orders is March 15, 2025. If you are not sure you paid, please check your history on the WebStore. My Account, My Settings. All of your purchases will be listed here.These are College Board deadlines, so please be aware as there will be no exceptions made for late registration.

    If you would like to take an exam not offered at Miramonte or have two exams at the same time, or require accommodations, you must contact Ms. Lezcano, Testing Coordinator,
    jlezcano@auhsdschools.orgimmediately, prior to November 1st to make arrangements for these testing situations.

    Click this link for the AP Exam Schedule

    Refund Information:Requests for refunds received by November 10th, 4pm: $95 per test.Requests for refunds received after November 10th, but before March 15th: $70 per test.Requests for refunds received March 15th and beyondno refundRefunds must be requested through Mrs. Erickson at verickson@auhsdschools.org