• VPA Performances 2024-2025

    Visual and Performing Arts Department


    Full Staff Directory


    Visual and Performing Arts Courses


    • Art 1
      Art 1 is a skills-based course in which students develop artistic perception, learn art history/cultural context and develop aesthetic valuing skills through drawing, painting and printmaking. Students create original artworks using new and traditional media and techniques as well as keeping a sketchbook/journal,doing outside gallery visits and reviews, as well as oral and written critiques of student, historical and contemporary artists. Students are also required to maintain portfolios of all their projects/assignments.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: None
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes

      Art 2
      Art 2 emphasizes visual problem solving and personal expression through which students continue to develop skills and knowledge of artistic perception, arthistory/cultural context and aesthetic valuing skills. Students continue to develop their drawing, painting, and printmaking skills. Students create original artworks using new and traditional medial and techniques as well as keeping a sketchbook/journal, doing outside gallery visits and reviews, as well as oral and written critiques of student, historical and contemporary artists.Students are also required to maintain portfolios of all their projects of all their projects/assignments.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 10, 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: Art 1
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes - Visual and Performing Arts requirement
      3D ART 1
      Students are introduced and given opportunities to create art forms in a wide variety of three‐dimensional art media including wood, metal, plaster, clay, fibers and mixed media while learning safety procedures and technical skills necessary for working with these materials. Students practice translating two‐dimensional design into a three‐dimensional artwork. Students will explore various artists within the three dimensional
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 10, 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: Art 1
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes - Visual and Performing Arts requirement
       3D ART 2
      Students in 3‐D Art 2 will participate in the next series of sequential learning experiences building upon skills/and techniques experienced in 3D Art 1.  Media include wood, metal, plaster, clay, fibers and mixed media.  An emphasis of the course is on developing a conceptual approach to studio practice, including further developing analytical and critical thinking skills, exploring art historical precedents, and effective communication skills.  Additionally, second‐year students will begin a concentration in a material or process of their choice.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: Art 1
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes - Visual and Performing Arts requirement
      3D ART 3
      3D Art 3 students participate in the design and creation of original works of 3‐D art with a concentration in materials or processes of their choice.  Students will plan, implement and produce a significant portfolio of their own work. Students also will continue to explore in greater depth the works of specific artists, movements or cultural styles while further developing critical thinking and communication skills.   Students will curate a show of their own work and/or others' work.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: Art 1
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes - Visual and Performing Arts requirement

      Advanced Art - Honors
      Advanced Art students work at an advanced skill level in a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media. Creative experimentation with media and subject matter is encouraged. Special talents and interest in the arts and art-related fields are addressed. Students participate in the exhibition of their work. Students who enroll in the Honors option will engage in advanced analysis and critiques of art and artists, prepare written reports and develop a personal portfolio.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: Art 2
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes

      Independent Art Portfolio
      Students work at an advanced skill level in producing an independent portfolio of two-dimensional and/or three-dimensional works. Students choose an artistic concern/theme to serve as the focus of their work. Students are required to collaborate with the teacher to do outside gallery visits and reviews, as well as oral and written critiques of historical and contemporary artists.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: Advanced Art, Honors
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes

      AP Drawing
      This course is designed to encourage creative and systematic investigation of formal and conceptual issues, while placing an emphasis on making art as an ongoing process that involve the student in informed and critical decision making. AP Studio Art helps students develop technical skills and familiarize them with the functions of the visual elements. Students are encouraged to become independent thinkers who will contribute inventively and critically to their culture through the making of art.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: Advanced Art Honors
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes

      Photo/Digital Design
      Photography/Digital Design is a college-preparatory, interdisciplinary approach to visual arts and the humanities. The class enables students to achieve an understanding and appreciation of artistic expression and to write and discuss with discrimination about photography as applied to themes in the humanities and history. Course work will emphasize student-created photographic art works as well as analytical reading, writing, and critiques. Substantial outside reading and research on individual biographies of historic and contemporary photographers, as well as written reviews of works of photographers, will be required. Students will analyze photographic works through discussion or writing using the appropriate vocabulary for describing techniques and aesthetic qualities.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: n/a
      UC/CSU Approved - Yes

      Digital Photography Advanced (ROP)
      In this second-level photography course students will achieve the five major Standards of the California Arts curriculum at an expert or more proficient level. The course will provide students with opportunities to extend and advance their knowledge and skills in the field of photography. This course will familiarize the student with advanced photographic equipment, materials, methods and the digital processes. Also, students will focus on the history of photography and photographers studying and emulating a variety of photographic styles. This course satisfies the UC and CSU Visual and Performing Arts entrance requirments.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: Photography/Digital Design
      UC/CSU Approved - Yes

      Studio Art Photo AP
      This course is designed to develop student mastery in the concept, composition and execution of their two-dimensional works in photography and 2-D design. Students will have the opportunity to produce a two-dimensional portfolio fulfilling the requirements as set by The College Board for Studio Art AP. The portfolio has specific requirements which include: Section I--Quality, excellence demonstrated in original art works; Section II--Concentration, an in-depth, personal commitment to a particular artistic concern; Section III--Breadth shows a variety of experiences in using the formal, technical and expressive means available to an artist.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: Digital Photography Advanced
      UC/CSU Approved - Yes

      Drama 1
      Drama 1 offers the new and continuing theatre student the opportunity to gain experience in dramatic arts through acting, technical theatre, and an exploration of theatre within an historical and cultural context. The student will develop skills in creative self-expression using a variety of methods. The student also will evaluate the informal and formal works of their own and others through both discussion and writing. The course provides an opportunity to develop competence in problem solving, communication skills, self-confidence, and self-discipline contributing to life-long learning and career skills.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: n/a
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes

      Drama 2
      Drama 2 offers the continuing theatre student the opportunity to gain additional experience in dramatic arts through acting, technical theatre, and an exploration of theatre within an historical and cultural context. As a participant in a collaborative process, the student will continue to develop skills in creative self-expression using a variety of methods. The student also will evaluate the informal and formal work of their own and others through discussion and writing. The course provides an opportunity to further develop skills in problem solving, communication, self-confidence, and self-discipline contributing to life-long learning and career opportunities.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 10, 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: Drama 1
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes

      Drama - Advanced
      Advanced Drama offers the advanced theatre student the opportunity to gain additional experience in dramatic arts through acting, technical theatre, and an exploration of theatre within an historical and cultural context. As a participant in a collaborative process, the student will continue to develop skills in creative self-expression using a variety of methods at the advanced level. The student will also evaluate the informal and formal work of their own and others through both discussion and writing. The course provides an opportunity to develop competence in problem-solving, communication skills, self-confidence, and self-discipline contributing to life-long learning and career skills.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: Drama 2
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes

      Choral Performance 1 (Mixed Choir)
      Choral Performance 1 is a beginning to intermediate choral group which performs many times throughout the year. Music of many styles, from renaissance through contemporary will be performed. In addition, basic training in music reading, vocal and breathing techniques, and music appreciation will be included. Also, although intended primarily as an introductory choir, experienced singers are welcome.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: n/a
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes

      Choral Performance 3 (Concert Choir)
      Choral Performance 3 is an intermediate vocal music course. Students will expand their mastery of music fundamentals, vocal technique, sight-reading, and historical/cultural perspectives of choral music. Members will perform four-part mixed voiced music from a variety of genres. Members also will be eligible to participate in the spring musical production.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: Choral Performance 2
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes

      Choral Performance 4 (Chamber Singers)
      Choral Performance 4 is an advanced ensemble. Students will show understanding and mastery of music theory, sight-reading, and appropriate performance styles. Members will perform advanced literature from the repertoire of choral music and have many opportunities for performing in school and in the community. Students will be expected to undertake leadership and administrative roles.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: Choral Performance 3, audition required
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes

      Jazz Ensemble
      Jazz Ensemble is a selective and specialized course designed to offer the qualified instrumentalist the opportunity to study and perform a variety of jazz styles. Emphasis is on learning improvisation as well as advanced music reading. This group is involved in several performances throughout the community. The preparation process is the important component of the program, in that the performance of each student in the instrumental class is critically important to, and affects the performance o , every other student in the class.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: Audition
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes

      Music Theory AP
      This course is designed to develop a student’s ability to recognize, understand, and describe the basic materials and processes of music that are heard or presented in a score. Foundational skills are achieved by addressing fundamental aural, analytical, and compositional skills using both listening and written exercises. These skills lead to creative tasks, such as the harmonization of a melody by selecting appropriate chords. If the school site offers this course as an ROP course, the student must be in 11th or 12th grade in order to enroll.
      Units: 10
      Grade Level(s): 10, 11, 12
      Preferred Previous Course of Study: Ability to read music
      UC/CSU Approved? - Yes