• Wellness at Miramonte High School


    The Miramonte Wellness Center is a component of the new Student Union. The Wellness Center team works with the Counseling Department, Special Education Department and Health Office  to support the mental health as well as the educational, developmental, social-emotional and physical needs of a diverse student community. As a collaborative team, we offer classroom presentations and support school-wide events aimed at developing resilient, health-conscious students. In addition, we partner with community based organizations by bringing them to our campus to support the specific Wellness needs of our students.


    How do I refer a student to the Wellness Center? 

    Image stating directions for where to find the Wellness Referral Form.


    • Anyone can refer a student to the Wellness Center by completing the online referral form at bit.ly/MHSwellreferral
    • You can also refer students by contacting the student's School Counselor or the Wellness Center directly via email: mhswellness@auhsdschools.org 
    • Students seeking support are always welcome to drop-in to request services. 


    What is offered through the Wellness Center?

    We offer a variety of services including but not limited to the following: 

    • Teen Health Education 
    • Parent/Guardian Consultation 
    • Crisis Support and Intervention 
    • Short-Term Individual and Group Counseling
    • Case Management 
    • Staff Training and Consultation  


    What services are provided for students? 

    Students can participate in a variety of services including mental health counseling, nursing services, support groups, referrals to community agencies and more. Wellness services provided to students are free and confidential. 



    Why Wellness?

    Wellness programs on high school campuses provide students with opportunities to strengthen their learning around teen physical, emotional, and sexual health; learn and practice self-care, and access short-term support. Wellness programs also decrease stigma around seeking help and have a proven ability to positively influence student learning and increase engagement in the school community.



    Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 4 PM



    The Wellness Center is located

    inside the Student Union

    (Room 351) 


    Contact Wellness: 

    Tel: 925-280-3936 



    Wellness Coordinator: 

    Salvador (Sal) Avila ext 3353 


    Wellness Intake Specialist 

    Ellen Zapalac ext 3351


    Follow us on Instagram @Miramonte_Wellness 


    Need someone to talk to outside of
    school hours? 

    Call 211 or text 'HOPE' to 20121