• Textbook information for Students and Teachers

    All teachers and students have their own accounts in the Destiny Online Catalog.

    Get started!



    STUDENTS: Login to Destiny to see which textbooks you have checked out.                    
    Username: Your ID#
    Password: Your school network password
    Click on MY INFO to see all items checked out to you.


    Click HERE for directions 

    TEACHERS: Beginning of the Year

    Click HERE for instructions on checking out textbooks by class period. 
    For instructions on checking out textbooks using Destiny (NOT by class), click HERE
    For instructions on checking out Devices (Chromebooks/iPads) using Destiny, click HERE
    TEACHERS:  End of the Year 
    For instructions on checking IN textbooks at the end of the year (or semester) click HERE
    For a guide on how to creating class list reports click HERE - This will list all students and any of your textbooks they have checked out.  Please remind students to turn in their books to you before you run your list.
    Print this list and give to librarians by the last workday of the school year. 
    Password Help: If you are having problems logging in to Destiny please look at your Chrome Password Manager.