• Bias Incident Reporting System (also referred to as BIRT) 

    Welcome to the Bias Incident Reporting System. The Bias Incident Reporting System is a part of AUHSD's effort to promote safe environments where all students can learn. 


    The Campolindo Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) meets weekly to examine and respond to incidents of bias that are reported to the district biased report form.  The primary function of the team is to keep a record of biased incidents, provide care for the reporters who experienced/reported the biased incident, and to promote conversation about bias, diversity and equity issues on campus. Although students can report anonymously, those who do not, can be followed up with so that we can listen to their experiences, discuss the resources available to them and when applicable, recommend appropriate actions to the administration that are both preventative and responsive. 


    Bias incidents are any actions committed against a person or group that are motivated in whole or in part, by bias against the person’s or group’s sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, race, religion, or disability. 


    The Campolindo Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) is NOT a crisis response team, or a disciplinary body. Therefore this report is only intended to provide transparency for the community and accountability for addressing patterns and/or trends that may call for structural or cultural changes to occur.

    Additional Information
    Please use the following link to learn more about how to report an incident of bias and how the school will follow up on the report: Bias Reporting System Information.


    Make a Report
    Please use the following link to make a report: Report an Incident of Bias.


    Data Reports

    At the conclusion of each semester, the Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) will publish a summary of reports and actions taken.  Reports are linked below. 
    Previous Reports