Title I
Title I federal funds are used to support programs provided to eligible students and are designed to reinforce the core curriculum and assist students in meeting the state’s challenging academic standards.
Title I is a part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), a federal statute that funds primary and secondary education. ESEA has been most recently re-authorized as the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). As part of ESEA, Title I aims to give targeted assistance to lower performing students.
AUHSD programs and instructional strategies funded by Title I are based on scientifically based research, strengthen the core academic programs, help provide accelerated, high-quality curriculum while minimizing student time out of the regular classroom.
Parent InvolvementParents are asked to meet and discuss the School Parental Involvement Policy and review the School-Parent Compact.
Title I Student Eligibility CriteriaAUHSD schools use the following criteria for student eligibility for Title I funding:
- English Learners
- Grade Point Average below 2.0
- Students with insufficient number of credits by grade level
- Socially and economically disadvantaged
- Students not meeting standards as determined by the state standardized test
AUHSD Local Education Agency (LEA) Plan (LEAP) and 2015 LEAP Addendum Title III Goal 2 submitted to the California Department of Education.