Community Service


  • Miramonte offers two levels of awards for community service; The Miramonte Service Award and The President's Volunteer Service Award.


    What is the President’s Volunteer Service Award?

    The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is a highly coveted award that recognizes the contributions of volunteers who have demonstrated outstanding volunteer service and civic participation over the course of a 12-month period.


    What is the Miramonte High School Volunteer Service Award?

    Similar to the PVSA, this award recognizes students with significant volunteer service hours within a 12-month period who fall short of achieving the President’s award levels.


    What is the 12-month period?

    Both the PVSA and Miramonte High School Volunteer Service Award periods run from April 1 - March 31.  The deadline to validate all hours is 11:59 p.m on April 15. 


    What are the service award levels?

    Hours are measured over a 12-month period and awards are designated based on cumulative hours.  The PVSA is offered in multiple levels and is designed to recognize each milestone of your service achievement.  Levels include bronze, silver, and gold. The Miramonte High School Award has a single level. Additionally, graduating seniors are eligible for the Excellence in Community Service recognition (see below for details).


    Does my age determine the service award level?

    Yes.  The PVSA has two age levels: Teen (ages 11-15) and Young Adult (ages 16-25).  The age category is determined by your age at the end of the 12-month period reported (March 31).  Students with service hours both before and after turning 16 years must follow this rule: The age you were for at least 7 months of the award year is the age category you will use.  If your birthday falls between April 1 and October 31, use the Young Adult (16-25) category.  There is no age category for the Miramonte Service Award.




    President’s Volunteer Service Award

    Age Category

    MHS Award




    Teen (ages 11-15)

    30 hours

    50-74 hours

    75-99 hours

    100+ hours

    Young Adult (ages 16-25)

    30 hours

    100-174 hours

    175-249 hours

    250+ hours

     All hours by age must be within the 12-month period and not overlap with a prior award time period



    What is the Excellence in Community Service recognition?

    Students who have earned a minimum of 300 hours of volunteer service over the course of 4 years or who have earned the PVSA for 3 years will be eligible for the Excellence in Community Service recognition. Students will receive a light blue honor cord to be worn at graduation, commemorating their extraordinary commitment to community service throughout high school.


    What are the qualifications for the Excellence in Community Service recognition?

    • Earn the President’s Volunteer Service Award for 3 years or
    • Complete a minimum of 300 hours of volunteer service throughout high school