Helpful Websites for Career Planning
The following websites are a few, which may assist you with planning your future career. In addition to online searches, Acalanes Adult Education provides Transition Services and College and Career Planning.
Career Focus is a publication offered through Diablo Valley College (DVC), showcasing their outstanding career education programs to meet the educational and training needs of Contra Costa County residents and beyond.
#BounceBackContraCosta is a service provided through the Workforce Development Board Contra Costa County. #BounceBackContraCosta provides resources helpful to all jobseekers, with videos and resources on resume writing, coverletters, and CalJOBS.
Workforce Development Board Contra Costa County offers a variety of services to help jobseekers looking for employment and career opportunities.
California Career Resource Network is “California’s official resource for career exploration and planning.” This program within the California Department of Education will assist you with career development and resources to develop career self-management skills for success.
California CareerZone allows you to take a self-assessment to help you learn more about yourself and interests, explore occupations within your area, and make appropriate money choices.