Academic Planning
Miramonte High School Academic Planning
As school counselors, we meet with each student on our caseload for a 1:1 meeting every year to monitor their academic progress.
1:1 Meeting Schedule
Seniors: August - October
First Years: November - December
Juniors: February - March
Sophomores: April - May
Course Registration Information
We also meet with students by grade level in large groups during Academy to discuss course registration for the following school year.
Course offerings are available to browse in the course catalog published by Acalanes Union High School District. Please note that courses denoted with an “M” are offered at Miramonte. The course catalog can be found here on the district website.
We also encourage all of our students and parents to review our MHS Time Management Worksheet to develop a course of study that provides balance and challenges to meet the needs and strengths of each individual student.
Here are useful links to documents that can be used for academic planning: