
  • Let Acalanes Adult Education help you in the process of becoming a United States citizen.  This class is designed to assist students with both their understanding of English and the knowledge required to pass the Department of Homeland Security citizenship test.  The class covers U.S. History and the federal, state, and local government.  Sample tests will be available for students to practice.  Guests need to be registered in an Acalanes Adult Education ELL course.  Competency in English at the Intermediate Low level is highly recommended.


    Guests interested in our Citizenship program must register for our ELL Orientation/Testing session in order to register for Citizenship.


    In addition to our ELL Citizenship course, we also offer ELL Citizenship US History Focus where guests will be enrolled in an additional ELL Citizenship class, where the focus will be on US History, as well as further instruction on listening comprehension and speaking.