Sophomore Year – Expand

    • Continue existing extracurricular activities or get involved in new ones. Find a few activities to focus on and deepen your involvement. Possibly take on a leadership role
    • Stay focused on your academics. Sophomore year is important to college admissions officers and sets the tone for junior year
    • Consider taking the PSAT (preliminary SAT) in October 
    • Familiarize yourself with resources available in the C&CC 
    • Update your four-year plan of courses for MHS. Meet with your counselor to discuss course selection for junior year. Consider challenging yourself to take high-level coursework in subjects you excel in
    • Work your way through the Sophomore Workbook (distributed in December)
    • Visit a college or two locally or when you are on vacation. Plan to take an official college tour if you are traveling during spring break or over summer vacation
    • At the end of the school year, take a full-length practice ACT and SAT to get a feel for which test format you prefer
    • Consider taking a community college course in a subject of interest not available to you at Miramonte during the summer
    • Continue pursuing your interests over the summer. Take on a job, volunteer work, internship, or self-directed project
    • Athletes: If you think you may play Division 1 or 11 sports in college, register for the NCAA Clearinghouse, the NAIA Eligibility Center, and familiarize yourself with the academic requirements
    • Start an activities resume and keep track of all extracurricular activities (hrs/week/month), employment, awards, and volunteer work. You will need an activities resume for many colleges  
    • Explore Maia Learning: Begin searching colleges, look at academic profiles needed for schools you are interested in.